Making Sense of Midwestern Sensors

The seasons are changing and the wind is picking up, carrying all of the lingering summer heat away for another year.

But as you don your sweaters and step into the refreshing autumn air, how much time do you think you’ll spend thinking about your sun safety this month? Or about the potential of wind damage? Well, probably not a whole lot of time. But don’t worry, you aren’t alone in that.

And that’s why Sunesta offers state-of-the-art elemental sensors for our outdoor products — because the only thing as important as your outdoor comfort is your safety!

When The Wind Doesn’t Waver

When blustery days threaten to blow through your property without mercy, the more vulnerable aspects of your home’s exterior require a touch of protection.

And this is especially true for those living in the Midwest, as the U.S. Department of Energy has identified this region as one that features some of the highest wind speeds across the nation. But while this may be great for wind energy, it’s not always great in terms of safety.

Thankfully, Sunesta offers wind sensors that will immediately detect hazardous wind speeds and automatically pull your awning back in. Because whether you’re away from home or unable to risk your well-being by venturing outside, you deserve reliable solutions for your home investment.

Sitting Back Without The Sun

As the days grow cooler, it can be easy to be deceived into thinking that sun exposure is less hazardous than during other times of the year. But that’s not quite true, as many states in the Midwest still feature plentiful volumes of sunshine,

For example, “around 3160.75 hours of sunshine are counted in Lincoln [Nebraska] throughout the year,” climate data reveals. “On average there are 103.81 hours of sunshine per month.”

But if this is the case, how can you continue to protect yourself from the sun while enjoying your outdoor space, especially if you once again forget just how harsh UV rays can be on even the breeziest of days?

Simple: With Sunesta’s advanced sun sensor, you don’t have to remember! The sensor will detect the sunshine on its own, thereby automatically deploying the awning and providing you with immediate protection and gratification.

Solutions For Comprehensive Comfort

From wind to sun to pure comfort and ease, Sunesta is committed to making sure your Midwestern home is optimized with only the highest quality outdoor products available.

Regardless of whether you’re interested in an awning, screen, or pergola cover, we have custom, American-made products to defy your expectations! So why wait on getting your FREE estimate?

To get started, contact our team by calling 1-800-SUNESTA! Not only do we guarantee white-glove customer service, but you’ll also receive an industry-leading warranty in addition to free installation by your local dealer.